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Social media giant Facebook is scheduled to host its first ever Facebook iD8 conference on African soil.

The event to be held in Kenya’s capital Nairobi seeks to connect Facebook with African developers.

African developers have been flying to San Francisco, US to attend the annual boot-camp that is gathering momentum across the world.

Last Month, Facebook held such camps in Sao Paulo, Berlin and New York.

It will bring together developers and startups from Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa to share the company’s latest technology and products to showcase and celebrate talent from across the region, whilst sharing their developer journey’s.

It will also feature hands-on demonstrations and discussions with Facebook product experts who will provide guidance to developers and help unblock challenges in their development process.

”Facebook iD8 is an opportunity for us to connect face-to-face with developers and share the latest technology and product updates as well as offer attendees an opportunity to share where they are in their journey,” Facebook’s Communication Manager for East Africa Janet Kemboi told Biztech Africa.

“Topics for the programme range from AR/VR, Messenger, Social Commerce and more. Facebook iD8 is a two-way dialogue where we have a chance to hear about your experiences, learn about your challenges and roadblocks and, provide an opportunity for you to connect with other members of our shared community that may face similar challenges.”

Emeka Afigbo, Facebook Global Head of Developer Programs is among keynote speakers expected to grace the Nairobi meet.


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