Speech delivered on behalf of the private sector at Delivery Charters- Dr. Ing. Ashigbey

Honorable Minister for Planning (Prof. Gyan Baffour), Honorable Ministers present, Honorable members of Parliament, CEO of Private Enterprise Federation-PEF (Nana Osei-Bonsu), the President and members of PEF member associations and Chambers, representatives from other Trade and Business Associations, heads of Agencies, Members of Diplomatic Corps, friends from the Media, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

Speech delivered by CEO of GCT at the 6th Congregation of UENR – Dec 2021

I deem it a great honour to be accorded this opportunity to be the Guest Speaker at the 6th Congregation of this young but vibrant University. I am grateful to the University Management for the honour done me to share my thoughts with the graduands on this august occasion, a ceremony that is attended and listened to by people of noble minds and great personalities from within and outside the University.

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