
Nokia revealed it had 42 commercial 5G deals in place with operators, more than any other vendor has announced, as the pace of the technology’s rollout progresses.

In a statement, the Finnish vendor said 22 of the 42 commercial deals were with named customers including T-Mobile US, Telia and SoftBank.

It noted early 5G rollouts in North America, South Korea and Europe as driving the uptake, and said it expects to announce more deals in emerging nations and areas including India and Latin America over the coming months.

The company’s latest progress update follows an announcement at the end of March, when it said it had 30 commercial 5G contracts. Since then, Nokia said it had won an average of one major contract each week, “with a steady pipeline in place for further agreements”.

Nokia talked up its 5G portfolio as a reason behind its progress so far, adding it believes, cumulatively, it has a “higher share with these customers in 5G than we did in 4G”.

CEO Rajeev Suri (pictured) said that through the transition from 4G to 5G, it was “Nokia’s time to shine”.

“The pace of 5G progress is accelerating across the globe. We are delivering significant performance increases to operators and the power of Nokia’s end-to-end portfolio is being recognised,” he added.

Nokia competes with rival vendors including Ericsson and Huawei for 5G contracts.

However, with Huawei’s security struggles continuing to grow, there is an opportunity for the European companies to capitalise. Huawei CEO and founder Ren Zhengfei said last week a US export ban will reduce a two-year lead it believes it has over Nokia and Ericsson in the next-generation technology.


Source: mobileworldlive


MTN Ghana on Monday officially opened its staff volunteering programme dubbed “21 Days of Y’ello Care” to undertake activities that would empower the youth to make positive impacts on society.

The 2019 programme on the theme, “Creating a Brighter Future for Our Youth” commenced on June 1 and expected to end on June 21.

The programme is expected to benefit about 330 unemployed youth, and would include activities such as skills training on bead making, hair-dressing, make-up arts and construction works.

Beneficiaries would also be trained on digital marketing, customer care services, financial management, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship skills.

The programme would also empower and inspire inmates of the Senior Correctional Centres and Rehabilitation Centres to identify their capabilities and work towards achieving them.

Mr Selorm Adadevoh, the Chief Executive Officer of MTN Ghana who launched the programme said there was the need for Corporate entities to empower the youth with employable skills.

He explained that the ‘21 Days of Y’ello Care’ was a challenge within the MTN Group, therefore, for MTN Ghana to win the threshold, it needed 95 per cent of staff participation and a 100 per cent Excom participation.

“Undoubtedly, we all have a critical role to play. We will have to commit to translating our hopes into reality and show up as volunteers,” he said.

The CEO advised staff of the telecom company to dedicate time for the programme to make it a fulfilling and inspiring one for the citizenry.

Mr Emmanuel Asigri, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority commended MTN for the step it had taken to empower the youth, adding that, the decision to partner the NYA was laudable and gave the assurance that it would be fruitful.

He said reducing the rate of unemployment especially among the youth was not a sole responsibility of government but also that of private entities, and encouraged other private bodies to help create more jobs for the youth.

Source: GNA



Vodafone Ghana as part of its commitment to empower women and fight domestic violence, has donated a cheque of GH¢5,000.00 to the Ghana Ark Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation that provides shelter for abused victim.

The donation was in response to the Foundation’s call for support to enable it reopen and run its shelter.

A statement from Vodafone Ghana to the Ghana News Agency explained that the shelter, which had become a safe haven for victims of domestic violence, was closed down in December 2016, due to lack of funds.

Presenting the cheque to the Foundation, Madam Hannah Ashiokai Akrong, the Human Resource Director at Vodafone Ghana, said: “Our commitment to fighting domestic violence goes beyond the walls of our organisation.

“We are particularly interested in the role your Foundation plays in housing and reintegrating victims of domestic abuse especially women and children. A victim’s condition worsens when they continue to stay at the place of violence because they have nowhere else to go,” the statement said.

Madam Akrong according to the statement said at Vodafone, the staff believed domestic violence had a significant impact on people at work, affecting confidence, self-esteem and career progression.

She said that brought about the launching of a Group-wide policy to protect and offer support for victims.

Mrs Angela Dwamena Boakye, the Executive Director of the Ark Foundation, who received the cheque, expressed gratitude to Vodafone Ghana for the gesture, the statement said.

“Your commitment to fighting domestic violence is unquestionable. This donation will certainly help in the reopening and running of the shelter, which we had to close down due to lack of funds,” she said.

The statement disclosed that Vodafone as part of its steps to fight domestic violence had set up a 24-hour hotline service, which employees with issues in relation to domestic violence could call for help.

It said employees who had been victimised also had up to 10 days of paid leave in any calendar year for medical appointments, legal proceedings and other related domestic violence activities.

Source: GNA


KASAKA is an interest-bearing savings account that is available to all MTN Mobile Money customers by Barclays Zambia via the JUMO platform. (image: Vanu)
KASAKA is an interest-bearing savings account that is available to all MTN Mobile Money customers by Barclays Zambia via the JUMO platform. (image: Vanu)

MTN Zambia, Barclays Zambia and JUMO have announced the commercial launch of KASAKA – a unique, short term mobile saving product.

This interest-bearing savings account is available to all MTN Mobile Money users through Barclays Zambia. KASAKA, the next step in widening access to financial services for underserved people in Zambia, has been built and run on JUMO’s operating platform. Over 10 000 Zambians have saved more than ZKW 1 600 000 since March 2019.

KASAKA is an interest-bearing savings account that is available to all MTN Mobile Money customers by Barclays Zambia via the JUMO platform and serves as the next step in widening the offering of financial services products to the unserved and underserved population in Zambia.

Barclays Zambia, as the licensed deposit-taking institution, is responsible and accountable to the Bank of Zambia. Interest to the customer will be funded by Barclays Zambia and will handle all treasury management functions. The interactions with the customer and all transactions between the customer wallets and the Barclays Zambia wallet will be managed by the JUMO platform, under instruction from Barclays.

Speaking during the launch, MTN Mobile Money General Manager, Edmund Barwuah noted that this simple, easy to understand and convenient savings product provides the opportunity for the unserved and underserved segments of the Zambian market to access a real-time savings product, driving financial inclusion and encouraging a strong savings culture.”

Barwuah stressed that partnerships between banks and Fintechs are fundamental in the development of relevant financial products with financial inclusion in mind.

“We believe that with close to two million active MTN Mobile Money customers and 30,000 agents, KASAKA will become an important avenue for subscribers to harness the benefits of savings. We consider taking financial services to the previously unbanked a huge responsibility that demands constant innovation and this forms the basis for our long-standing partnership with Barclays Zambia and JUMO.”

And Barclays Bank Zambia Managing Director, Mizinga Melu, noted that these strategic partnerships paired with the adoption and implementation of new technologies is the next step in widening the offering of financial services products to the unserved and underserved population in Zambia.

This product provides an opportunity for the unserved and underserved segments of the Zambian market to access real-time savings. This will drive financial inclusion and encourage a culture of saving in the country.”

James Townsend-Rose, Director of Strategic Partnerships: Africa at JUMO, said “We use cutting-edge technology to build and run financial services because at the core of our business, we’re working to advance financial inclusion. JUMO is excited to be a part of adding savings to the financial choices available to Zambians.”




Employees of AirtelTigo have donated assorted items, including educational materials, food items and clothes to La Wireless Cluster of Schools in Greater Accra region and the Sekondi School for the Deaf in the Western region through its “Season of Random Kindness” initiative.

The “Season of Random Kindness” is an AirtelTigo staff Corporate Social Responsibility initiative aimed at volunteering and giving back to communities.

Through this initiative, employees of the company support a worthy cause by investing their time and resources to provide essential supplies for schools, hospitals and orphanages.

Education is one of the pillars of AirtelTigo’s CSR programmes, and the provision of educational materials is to help improve academic work in beneficiary schools.

During the presentation at La Wireless Cluster of Schools, the Chief Human Resources Officer at AirtelTigo, Eric Adadevoh, said: “Creating value and improving lives is part of our culture as demonstrated by our staff donations and the time we invest in our communities.”

“We believe that this donation will go a long way in helping the pupils of the school. We see ourselves as development partner’s and the “Season of Random Kindness” will continue to be used as a gesture to impact lives.”

At the Sekondi School for the Deaf, the Commercial Head for Western and Central Regions, Judah Entsua-Mensah lauded the school for nurturing children with disabilities in the region. He encouraged the children to believe in themselves and expressed the hope that the donation would help meet some of the needs of the school.

The heads of both schools expressed their gratitude to AirtelTigo staff for their support and assured that the items would be used for the benefit the students.

Mr. Edward Opoku Manu, the Circuit Supervisor for La Wireless Cluster of School noted: “We are very happy to receive these items from AirtelTigo, we believe that this donation will boost the children’s morale to learn.”





China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) was tipped to be on the brink of issuing commercial 5G licences, clearing operators to begin deploying services, Xinhua News Agency reported.

The agency quoted MIIT as stating China is ready for a commercial 5G launch, with overseas enterprises including Nokia, Ericsson and Qualcomm deeply involved in the development of the technology.

China’s government granted licences to the country’s three major operators to conduct 5G trials in 2018, however a commercial launch is yet to be approved.

An exact launch date was not announced, but it is expected soon.

MIIT reportedly said China owns “more than 30 per cent of standard essential patents for the technology”, built through a combination of independent innovation and open cooperation on 5G standards.

Launches are expected to provide a major boost to the country’s economy and its technology sector. They would be timely as the country’s major vendors Huawei and ZTE face scrutiny from the US over security.

Ernst & Young predicted China’s three major operators will spend almost $5 billion on 5G-related infrastructure in 2019 alone, with their total spend estimated to hit $217 billion between 2020 and 2025.

While China’s operators were widely expected to deploy commercial 5G services in 2020, launches in the US, South Korea and parts of Europe, including the UK, appear to have spurred regulators to accelerate the schedule.

Source: mobileworldlive


Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications

The Institute of Electronic and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a US-based research and standards group, lifted a temporary ban on Huawei and its subsidiaries from participating in a peer review process for its research papers.

Its U-turn follows a statement last week that it would bar Huawei employees from taking part in the process and prohibit them from being involved in closed events involving technical discussions.

At the time, the IEEE explained its decision was the consequence of the US government placing Huawei on a trade blacklist last month.

IEEE said it decided to lift the ban following further clarification from the US Department of Commerce “on the applicability of these export control restrictions to IEEE’s publication activities”.

“Based on this new information, employees of Huawei and its affiliates may participate as peer reviewers and editors in our publication process. All IEEE members, regardless of employer, can continue to participate in all of the activities of the IEEE,” it said.

The association continued to state the risk had been addressed and its initial decision to bar the Chinese vendor was “motivated solely by our desire to protect our volunteers and our members from legal risk”.

Huawei is now free to submit papers, attend conferences and participate in other public activities.

The SD Association, an industry group covering standards for memory cards, had also reportedly blocked Huawei from participating in its technical meetings, but in a statement explained the vendor’s name had been omitted from its list of members “due to a technical issue”.

However, the association also noted Huawei’s membership “was recently suspended to ensure compliance” with the US export ban, before explaining most handset makers don’t need to be members of the group “to manufacture products using SD technology” unless they require access to the group’s specifications or branding.

The Wi-Fi Alliance also stated it had blocked Huawei, though the vendor appears to have subsequently been reinstated to the group’s list of members.

Source: mobileworldlive



The Financial Times reported Friday that tech giant Huawei has ordered its employees to cancel technical meetings with American contacts and has sent home numerous U.S. employees working at its Chinese headquarters.

The moves come amid growing U.S.-China tensions over trade and technology in which Huawei has been a main target.

The newspaper quoted Huawei’s chief strategy architect, Dang Wenshuan, as saying that American citizens working in R&D were repatriated two weeks ago, after the Chinese group and 68 affiliates were placed on the U.S. Commerce Department’s “Entity List,” which effectively bars American firms from selling technology to Huawei without government approval.

The FT said a workshop underway at Huawei at the time was “hastily disbanded, and American delegates were asked to remove their laptops, isolate their networks and leave the Huawei premises.”

It quoted Dang as saying that Huawei is also limiting interactions between its employees and American citizens.

Huawei declined to comment on the FT report.

China’s commerce ministry announced Friday that it will establish its own list of foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals it deems to be “unreliable entities” – a possible response to the U.S. blacklist.

Entities are “unreliable” if they “fail to comply with market rules, break from the spirit of contracts and block or stop supplying Chinese enterprise for non-commercial reasons, seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises,” ministry spokesman Gao Feng said at a news briefing.

Gao said the specific measures to be taken against the entities will be announced at a later date.

The purpose of the list is to oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism, as well as safeguard China’s national security, he said.

Source: The Financial Times



The US Department of Justice (DoJ) was reportedly gearing up for an antitrust investigation of Google, creating fresh regulatory scrutiny for the search giant.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said the move comes following DoJ talks with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), with which it shares antitrust authority. The FTC has previously probed Google, but not taken any significant action against the company.

In contrast, European regulators have taken action against Google related to search, advertising and its Android activities. While the scope of any DoJ investigation was not revealed, search and advertising will obviously feature, as could Google’s practices related to the Android platform.

WSJ said while it was not clear if Google had already been contacted, “third-party critics” of the company had been in touch with the authorities.

It was noted a DoJ probe comes as attitudes toward the major internet players shift, with concern about the influence they hold and their ability to sway both markets and individuals. US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has gone as far as to call for big tech companies to be broken up and, while others have stopped short of this, additional scrutiny may well be welcomed.

Google will, of course, not be an easy target for investigators. While it has undoubtedly achieved a scale that means its actions have a significant impact on competition, it can point to rivals in many key sectors and the ecosystem which has grown up around Android.

It also has a fair set of experience in dealing with regulators worldwide following earlier probes and investigations in other geographies: WSJ noted it has also built up a support network in Washington and across the wider US political landscape, despite vocal criticism from some.

Source: mobileworldlive



MTN Ghana has paid a courtesy call on his eminence Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu at his Fadama residence today Saturday with a donation of Gh¢30,000.

In addition to the cash, MTN Ghana also presented some items including 10 bags of rice, 20 cartons of soft drinks, 5 cartons of vegetable oil, 30 cartons of mineral water, GH¢500 worth of airtime, and 2 Rams to the Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu.

The donations are meant to support his Trust Fund and the celebration of the Eidul Fitr.

The holy month which began on May 6 is expected to end on the evening of June 5, 2019. Throughout the period, Muslims have undertaken dawn-dusk fasting which primarily entails abstinence from food, drink, marital intimacy and any such prohibitions as instructed by Allah.

According to MTN Ghana representative that paid the courtesy call on the Islamic leader, they have been compelled to take the step to honour Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu on his centenary birthday which he celebrated recently.

And also to support the Eidul Fitr celebration and donate to his Trust Fund to help promote education.

Speaking at the short ceremony, the General Manager of Distributive Trade, Abubakar Mohammed explained that for the past 12 years, they have consistently supported the Chief Imam during Eidul Fitr celebrations by way of donations and organizing key events in Nima and Accra New Town, all in an effort to foster peaceful coexistent in the communities.

“MTN has also been supporting the National Hajj Board annually in the organization of the pilgrimage to Mecca for the past 6 years,” Mr Mohammed stated.

He continued, “It is in view of this strong bond with you, that the management of MTN Ghana initiated the Quaranic Recitation today in honour of his eminence, Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu’s 100th birthday.

“Also as part of the centenary celebration of your birthday, we are happy to present a cheque of GH¢30,000 to support the Chief Imam’s Educational Fund to aid your quest to promote education in Ghana”.

The Chief Imam speaking through his spokesperson, Sheikh Armiyawo Shaibu thanked and prayed for Allah’s blessing for the MTN Ghana for the kind gesture.

Source: Ghanaweb