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Ethel Anamoo
The Chief Business Officer at AirtelTigo Business Ms. Ethel Anamoo

On a journey to catalyze innovation and fast-track growth for businesses, AirtelTigo Business has rolled out “Flexi Business”, a tailor-made mobile solution for small and medium enterprises and corporate firms to meet their specific needs to grow and be profitable.

The product, which is first of its kind in the country’s telecommunications industry, allows SMEs and corporate firms to customize their package based on their needs.

Under this package, businesses enjoy value for money as the product has no expiry on data for SMEs and also gives an unlimited on-net call to corporate customers.

Additionally, SMEs and corporate firms will get 40 percent more data and 30 percent more on voice calls. Once a company signs on to the package, the company can pay all its employees through AirtelTigo Money for free.

Explaining further on the rationale behind “Flexi business”, the Chief Business Officer at AirtelTigo, Ms. Ethel Anamoo, said: “I’m really proud that we have developed this solution for businesses. It truly demonstrates our commitment to make businesses simple. With experience and rich understanding in this market, we believe that communication solutions for businesses, particularly small, medium and enterprises should be affordable. We also believe in offering innovative solutions with value to our clients.”

She noted that SMEs are playing a key role in fostering new ideas in the country and they need communication solutions that supports their growth. “In this market, we are the most trusted partner to businesses because we are offering value-for-money, integrated solutions and superior customer service.”

Commenting on the era of technology and business, Ms Anamoo stated that: “Technology is now a big driver for business efficiency and growth. Therefore, at AirtelTigo Business, we believe in helping small and large businesses to evolve with innovative technology solutions. Ultimately, our aim is to make businesses simple.”
