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Telecoms Chamber Welcomes Industry Appointees

CEOs & Appointees
CEOs of Mobile Operators and the new Appointees

The Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications has welcomed the appointment of the new Minister of Communications (MoC) and Director General (DG) of the National Communications Authority (NCA), with an industry cocktail held at its offices.

The Chamber organized an industry cocktail on Tuesday  (February 21st) to welcome the Communications Minister, Mrs Ursula Owusu Ekuful and the NCA DG Mr. Joe Anokye.

The private cocktail was organized to provide a platform for industry stakeholders to network and build sustainable working relationships with the appointees to further enhance the development of the sector.

“This government is willing to work with the private sector. I have no doubts that Telecommunications is the biggest and best performing industry in Ghana today,” said Mrs Ekuful.

She has served on the Parliamentary Select Committee on Communications in the last Parliament and held managerial roles with Westel Telecommunications and Zain Telecoms in 2009.

On his part, Mr. Anokye said “the Regulator will collaborate with service providers to enrich formulation and implementation of all sector policies to achieve a win-win outcome for government, players and consumers”. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Anokye was a Telecommunications service manager at NASA in the United States.

Mr. Kwaku Sakyi-Addo, CEO of The Chamber, said: “This new appointees bring a wealth of corporate, legal, legislative, technical experience and insights to the Ministry and the NCA. We are confident that they’ll bring these to bear in this new industrial revolution which telecommunications is today.”

The Chairman of the Telecoms Chamber, Mrs Yolanda Cuba said in her remarks, “the industry players will work with government to ensure a thriving sector which empowers and impacts the lives of Ghanaians.

Key officials attended the private cocktail from the NCA, MoC, Telcos, Tower Companies, Parliament, Revenue Authority, Environment Protection Agency, Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications, Radiation Protection Institute (GAEC), Google Ghana, Media, other industry players and their representatives

Instructively, the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications is an industry association and a private initiative by mobile networks operators in Ghana. We are an advocacy institution established to help direct telecommunications policy, legislation and regulation, and pursue research towards the development of telecommunications.